Excel VBA Macro to Copy File This page explains about 2 options to do file copy using Vba. CopyFile option from FileSystemObject VBA.Filecopy The first one has more options like: Adding wild cards with source file & option to overwrite a file if already exists. Vba built in Filecopy function […]
VBA get Path to Default Temporary folder
VBA – Find Temporary Folder Path To save any intermediate data files, instead of creating a folder, You can use system default temporary folders. This way, there is less coding effort required to manage the new folders. But, to do that, You need to first find the folder path. There may […]
VBA to Delete File in a Folder
Get VBA code to delete file from a system folder. It uses filesystemobject.deletefile function & the VBA.kill function. Both uses the filepath as parameter.
Get List of All Subfolders in a Folder – Excel VBA
Excel VBA Dir – Directory Listing – All Subfolders The macro will fetch all subfolders & folders under subfolders till its last child folder. You just have to input the root folder path for this macro. It is a complete code that will search or process all the files in […]
Removing Empty Folder is Now Easy – Get Folder List with Size
Fully Functional code that can fetch you folder list along with its size. This helps ur to find empty folders in our system. Once we get the list, we can remove the empty folders and on the other hand if the folder size is so huge, we can dig in and find why it’s size is so much huge.