VBA Delete File from Computer Folder
There should be multiple ways to do it. In this article, I have given 2 methods.
One is by using Filesystemobject & other uses VBA.Kill function.
Parameter for both is the same. The file path or wildcard.
Here is the sample VBA code to Delete a file:
VBA Code to Delete File:
Important Note: File once deleted with this option cannot be recovered & it cannot be found in Recycle bin.
This option is like deleting the file with Shift + Delete. So, be very careful while testing this option with any file.
Sub VBA_Delete_File() Dim fso As Object, filePath As String Set fso = Create.Object("Scripting.Filesystemobject") filePath = "D:\SomeFilename.txt" fso.deletefile (filePath) 'OR VBA.Kill (filePath) MsgBox "Files Deleted" End Sub
Permission Denied while Delete File Operation
This is a common error that occurs many times. To this, follow these options.
- Check if the file exists.
- Verify if the folder path is accurate.
- Does folder has enough access rights enabled for deleting files.
- Check that the folder you are processing does not have multiple spaces in its name or try hanging the folder name to “Folder_For_Processing” or “FolderForProcessing”.
Once you check both the above options the functions will work just fine.