Save File with Date Time Stamp
In Excel vba we can create new file or save the current workbook with different name.
In that case, sometimes we add date, time or both at end of file. This way, the file names will be unique & also the file versioning can be maintained easily.
Use this code to add such time-stamp or date-stamp to the file.
Add Date Time to File Name before Extension
Before editing filename, You need to do some preparatory tasks.
- Parse File name & its extension
- Get today Date & Time
- Format as per use preference
- Add formatted Date-Time-Stamp before file extension.
- Save the file.
Sub add_date_time_stamp_to_file() 'Code from Dim sFileName As String, sFileExtension As String Dim sDateTimeFormat As String 'Define Date Time Stamp Format sDateTimeFormat = "dd-mmm-yyyy-HHMMSS" 'Get File Name with Path sFileName = ThisWorkbook.FullName 'Get File Extention sFileExtension = VBA.Right(sFileName, VBA.Len(sFileName) - VBA.InStrRev(sFileName, ".")) 'Remove Extension from File name sFileName = VBA.Left(sFileName, VBA.InStrRev(sFileName, ".") - 1) 'Add Date-Time Stamp to File name sFileName = sFileName & VBA.Format(VBA.Now, sDateTimeFormat) & "." & sFileExtension 'Save the File with Date & Time Stamp ThisWorkbook.SaveAs sFileName End Sub
What does the above code actually do?
It takes the current workbook full name along with path. Then go through steps explained above the code.
Save the workbook with different name each time the code is executed.
This macro code can be mapped to a keyboard shortcut & used whenever the file needs an intermediate save.
It is pretty much a cool code. Isn’t it. Saves a lot of time, so that Your work is not lost.