Learn how to close a vba userform with escape key. Map command button to Exit or Close a Userform with Escape key.
VBA to open or save Word document Protected or Encrypted with password
Use this VBA code to password protect or unprotect the Word document while openening the file. This macro also handles readonly protection, Write protection etc., right within the code itself.
VBA Get Numbers with in a String
Excel VBA code to get all digits or numbers with a string. This function extract only the numbers from with in a string text.
Convert a XML file into a Excel Sheet
VBA Loads a XML file into a Excel Sheet An XML file is like a simple text file but structured in a predefined format using tags. Sometimes you need to view an XML file and do calculation on the data using Excel. The code below is used to open an […]
Excel VBA Code to Checks if File Exists in Path
Finding an existing file & its path using Excel VBA When writing Excel VBA code that works with external files like XML or JSON, it is important that you have controls in your code to check it the file exist. If your macro (VBA program) doesn’t find a file when […]
How to remove Signature from Outlook Email using VBA code?
Get the Outlook vba code to remove the signature from a email that was autoamtically created within the macro. It is usefull when you add custom signature.
VBA To Find Last Row or Column in a Excel Wroksheet.
Get VBA code to find the last row or column in a Excel wroksheet. Pass sheetname as parameter and get last row/column returned.
VBA Convert Excel range to JPG Image
Get VBA code to convert Excel range to a image file.
VBA – Find number of Dimensions in an Array
How to find the dimensions in an array using Excel vba code? Here is the code to cound the array dimensions using the ubound function – tricky one.
VBA Combo box Add Items – from Excel Range or Array
VBA code to add items to Combobox Userform. Different methods to add combobox dropdown items present in a userform using the VBA code.