HTML Form – Email Validation with JavaScript Email validation is very important in HTML forms. Here we have discussed how to validate email addresses using JavaScript. Parts of an email address An email address is a unique identifier of an email account bound to a domain server. An email address […]
Python Check if File Exists – Get Easy code
Using Python – Check if file exists in a path Python is a versatile programming language that is widely used for a variety of tasks. One of the common tasks is to check if a file exists in a specific path. In this article, we will discuss how Python check […]
PHP Check If File Exists in a Folder path – in 2 Easy ways
Get code from PHP check if file exists in a folder. This code can be used in wordpress or any php site to find if file is present in a server folder.
Python Unzip all Files in Directory – in just 4 Lines – Easy Code
This Python code unzip all files to directories and subdirectories in one step. All files in Zip archive will be extracted corresponding directoy structure.
Get Current Weather in Python – Free Openweathermap Api
Python – Weather Report for any City There is a similar article to this in which the weather report is obtained using Excel Vba code. To use this open weathermap Api , you have to first register with your email and get the AppId key. They provide a free limited […]
Current Local Weather Report in Excel
City Weather Report in Excel Excel Vba code in this page gets current local weather report using free api from openweathermap. To use this code, you need these things in advance: API key from openweathermap Accepted City Names Register with you email in the api provider website & they will […]
Python Sort List Function – Ascending or Descending
Sort Function in Python Code In Python, You can sort a list or array of numbers & strings using the built in function. The code below creates a numeric & string array. Then sorts is ascending & descending. The default is ascending. Lets see how do this with a Python […]
VBA – Add Items to Array – Dynamic Resize without erasing data
How to add new item to existing array? In VBA, an array is always an fixed size of data values. If you have to add new item, then size of the field also has to be changed. Lets see an example: Consider you have an array like the below one: […]
Rearrange Excel Sheets in Custom or Alphabetic Order with VBA
Custom Order or Alphabetical Order This page has VBA code that can arrange worksheets in a Excel file in: Custom Order as per user preference Alphabetic Order of the Sheet Names Lets get the code. VBA Code – Arrange Sheets in Custom Order To make the below code work, You […]
Get list of Folders in directory path – Python
Print Directory List in Python To get list of sub-directories present in a computer folder, use the code below. Edit the folder path mentioned in the variable “folder_path”. Then execute this ready to use code. It will print the sub-directories name one by one. #List all subdirectories in a folder […]