Python To Read Word Document – DataFrame

Python Program to read a book (docx Word document) & store it in a DataFrame in Python. Problem Statement: Following code will read a book from the system in a document form and store it in a dataframe in Python. Solution: Step 1: Convert a pdf book into .docx format. […]

Install TensorFlow For C++

Tensorflow Tensorflow was developed by researches & engineers from ‘Google Brain Team’ in Google’s AI organization. It is an open source software library for high-performance numerical computation & supports machine learning, deep learning processes. Its flexible architecture allows easy deployment of computation across a variety of platform (CPUs, GPUs, TPUs),  desktops,  […]

Install TensorFlow in Python

This tutorial tells how to install Tensorflow in the prebuilt configuration in both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04(for both CPU & GPU) Currently, 64-bit Python only supported Tensorflow. Install CPU Version on Ubuntu & Windows For Ubuntu 64bit OS First Process is to install CPU Version of TensorFlow. CPU version […]

Different Type Of Inheritance In C++ Programming

Types of Inheritance in C++ The process of inheriting properties of objects of one class by objects of another class. The class whose properties are inherited by another class is called Base or Parent or Super class and the class which inherits properties of another class is called Derived or Child or Sub class. C++ supports six types […]

How To Swap Values In C++

C++ Swap Function Swap function is used to interchange two values in variables with each other. For example variable x contains 10 and y contains 20, after swap, x contains 20 and y contains 10. C++ has a inbuild swap function i.e, swap(x,y). Without using this inbuild function we can […]