A regular expression (shortened as regex) is an extremely useful way of matching common patterns and texts such as emails, phone numbers, URLs etc. almost all programming languages have a regular expressions library. It is widely used in text editors also to find patterns and replace string patterns that we specify in the […]
Install TensorFlow For C++
Tensorflow Tensorflow was developed by researches & engineers from ‘Google Brain Team’ in Google’s AI organization. It is an open source software library for high-performance numerical computation & supports machine learning, deep learning processes. Its flexible architecture allows easy deployment of computation across a variety of platform (CPUs, GPUs, TPUs), desktops, […]
Different Type Of Inheritance In C++ Programming
Types of Inheritance in C++ The process of inheriting properties of objects of one class by objects of another class. The class whose properties are inherited by another class is called Base or Parent or Super class and the class which inherits properties of another class is called Derived or Child or Sub class. C++ supports six types […]
How To Swap Values In C++
C++ Swap Function Swap function is used to interchange two values in variables with each other. For example variable x contains 10 and y contains 20, after swap, x contains 20 and y contains 10. C++ has a inbuild swap function i.e, swap(x,y). Without using this inbuild function we can […]
Dijkstra’s Algorithm In C++ – Finding Shortest Path – With Sample Code
Dijkstra Algorithm – Finding Shortest Path Dijkstra’s Algorithm is designed to determine the shortest routes between the source node and every other node in the network. Algorithm:- Start with a weighted graph. Initialize source node with a distance of 0 & all other nodes with infinite distance. For each neighbor […]
Python strftime – C, C++ Date Time Formatting
strftime For quick syntax & options help with this function, type >>help (“time.strftime”) . This will list all the basic help that you are in need. If you are looking for a much more advanced option with this function, then refer this table. About this function: This function is used to […]
Open Text File – Read Write File Operations – VBA, Python, VBS, C, C++, DOS
Open Text File – VBA, VBS, Python, C, C++ Code snippets to Open ,Read, Write to text file. Import data from text file into any programming language.
Find My PC Screen Resolution in Excel using VBA & Javascript
Code to find Screen resolution of your computer. This code gets the screen width & height VBA (Windows API), C, Javascript & Command prompt functions.
Palindrome program in C & VBA
Learn how to code a Palindrome program in C that can check for both numeric palindrome and string palindrome. Page has 2 different function for palindrome.
C Program to find Prime Numbers List & in VBA Too
Get C program to print prime numbers list using while loop. Program prints all the prime numbers from 1 to 100 or even any range. Simplest Prime number pgm.