Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) WEP is a security algorithm for IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. It was introduced with the original 802.11 standards ratified in 1997, and it was majorly done to provide data confidentiality which was not in traditional wired networks. WEP is recognizable by its key of 10 or 26 hexadecimal digits (40 or 104 bits). It was of […]

Defer and Async Attributes in JavaScript

Defer and Async attributes in JavaScript, they both are boolean attributes these attributes are used with script tags to load the external JavaScript file efficiently and smoothly into the webpages. Because today in modern websites the load time of JavaScript is longer than html files and their processing is also […]

Daemon thread in Java

Daemon thread in java: Daemon thread is a low priority thread providing services to the user thread. This thread runs in the background to perform tasks such as garbage collection. Major Properties: It cannot prevent the JVM from exiting when all the user threads finish their execution. JVM terminates itself […]

Honeypot : Trap for Hackers

What is a Honeypot? A honeypot is a system that is network-attached and is deployed as a decoy to lure cyber attackers and to find, change or study hacking procedures or attempts in order to gain unauthorized access to information systems. The function of a honeypot is to represent itself […]

JavaScript Browser Detection

You might have seen many websites detecting your browser and displaying the details of your browser on the web pages or checking the version of the browser to tell you to upgrade the browser or sometimes the websites might only run on a certain version or higher. A common example […]

Blockchain Basics:

Blockchain : A blockchain is a digital, distributed ledger of all the transactions made in the system. It is open to anyone. The information is transferred to all the systems in that network, which results in a peer-to-peer network of systems. This technology emerged as a consequence of the cryptocurrency, […]

Session Storage in JavaScript

What is sessionStorage? sessionStorage is an object for the current session much like the localStorage, sessionStorage can also store data in the memory of the browser, but this data cannot persist over multiple sessions, it gets deleted after a page session is ended. Whenever a document is loaded in a […]

Local storage in JavaScript

What is localStorage in javascript? The local storage is the storage location provided by the browser and that allows us to store key/value pairs in a web browser to use at a later stage of time. The localStorage object stores the data without any expiration date, i.e. data stored in […]