Google App Scripts This topic is about writing a Hello World script that will enable us start learn on how to automate tasks in Google Spreadsheets or Google Docs. It is more similar to the MS Office VBA, but the coding is done in Javascript. With MS Office VBA, the […]
Excel To VCF Converter – 81,000+ Downloaded – Excel To Vcard App
Excel to VCF converter: Get Excel to VCard converter built using VBA. Create Vcard file using contact in Excel. VCF is supported in Android, iPhone & Outlook. VCF file generated can be imported to Android, iPhone & Outlook contacts
Excel VBA html Table import – Export Web Table to Worksheet
Export HTML table to Excel VBA. This code can also be used a Best Data Mining Tool. When Web query did not work, Use the option explained in this article to import Web page Table with just Excel VBA and process the Tags as explained in this quick reference Tutorial.
Launch List of Application – Batch Execution
Are we Using Start Up Folder Option We have option in Windows to add the list of application to be launched during a system start up. But, we do not use it often. Because it increases system start up time. We want to see our Desktop as soon as possible […]
Different Methods to Refer Excel Sheet or Cell
Hierarchy: As a User, When we edit data in excel document manually we use keyboard or mouse pointer to traverse through different worksheets or cells. It is not required to understand it’s object model. This is true with any software with a good GUI, not only with Excel. But when […]
Run Macro When Cell Value Changes or Range VBA
Run macro when Cell value change in a Excel sheet. Code VBA Range editing code that runs, when cell in the range is edited using worksheet change module.
Create Excel Formula On Your Own – User Defined Excel Functions (UDF)
Built-in Excel Worksheet Functions This Is What We Do When Excel Does Not Have A Formula That We Need Desperately. There are plenty of Excel Worksheet Functions or Formula that do predefined Tasks. Few of them are “=Sum()’ , ‘=If()’ , ‘=Now()’, ‘=Vlookup()’. These functions are grouped under VBA.WorkSheetFunction class […]
How to Automatically pull data from Website into Excel VBA?
Get VBA to extract data from Website to Excel. With this Web scraping Excel vba code you can import HTML data of any website & then parse it using IE DOM objects. Excel Data Mining Tool with VBA Code.
Microsoft Office – Communicator API – Verify Availability Status
Microsoft Office Communicator API Library – Verify the User status using Office Communicator API with in Excel VBA Macro to automate verification. Get Availability Status of User in Office Communicator API using User Email Address. The Code in this article can be used to perform this action with just their mail id, provided you are connected to their Network.
Reading Process List From Task Manager
How to Import application list from Task Manager to Excel? Well, this can be done with the help of the Windows API Function from the library Kernel32. Using this we will be able to view the processes currently executing in our system and we don’t have to open the task […]