Garbage Collection in Java Garbage Collection means and as the name implies freeing up of space by the waste objects or garbage to avoid memory leaks. Since objects are dynamically allocated by using the new keyword how these objects are destroyed and their memory is released for reallocation. Some languages […]
Excel Sheet Protection Check
Detect Sheet Protection Whenever working with a worksheet ever wondered why some menu buttons are not working or ribbon icons are greyed out and no functionality doesn’t work, this happened to me and because of a silly mistake. I can’t say how many times this has happened to me while […]
Queues Interface in Java
Queue Interface: The Queue Interface in Java Collections provide functionality as a Queue in the real-life, it extends the collections interface. It represents real-world queues where people queue in waiting line in front of the Supermarket where new people add up at the end of the line (queue) and the […]
LET( ) Function in Excel
What is a LET function in Excel? The LET function in excel is used to assign the name of the calculations of the result. This allows storing of intermediate results of some calculations, values, name of some functions defined inside a formula. These name only apply within the scope of […]
LinkedList in Java
Similar to Arrays in java Linked List is also a Linear data structure. In Linked List unlike arrays elements are not stored in a contiguous locations and they are linked to each other using references(pointers in memory), in Linked List each element has a reference pointing it to the next […]
Maximum Subarray Problem ( Kadane’s Algorithm) Dynamic Programming
Maximum SubArray Sum is the problem of finding the sum of contiguous subarray elements with in an array of numbers form arr[1…n] You might ask what is a subarray? SubArray is basically array within an array is called a sub array, as shown below 4, -1, 2 is the subarray […]
Two Pointer technique in Java
What is Two pointer technique? A two pointer technique is a technique where given a sorted array we have two starting points or two points of consideration as they both move towards the middle of the array being iterated over, the two pointer technique is a useful tool to utilize […]
Collections in Java
What is Collections Framework in Java? In Java collection is an object that represents a group of objects (such as the classic Vector class). A Collections framework is a unified architecture for representing and manipulating collections, enabling collections to be manipulated independently of implementation details. What is Collection Interface? The […]
Arraylist in Java
ArrayList class is based on the List Interface in java which is based on array data structure. ArrayList is widely used for its functionality and flexibility it offers. ArrayLists are resizeable list of array implementations of list interface. It implements all optional list operations and permits all elements incuding null. […]
Regular Expressions – I
A regular expression (shortened as regex) is an extremely useful way of matching common patterns and texts such as emails, phone numbers, URLs etc. almost all programming languages have a regular expressions library. It is widely used in text editors also to find patterns and replace string patterns that we specify in the […]