Python program to Get list of installed Packages or modules using pip. Also get the cmd prompt command to get the list using pip commands.
How to Install Python in Windows? – Hello World Program
Learn to install Python latest version in your computer, write your first ever Python hello wor;d program, compile & run the program in just few minutes.
How to Zip Directory using Python? – Archive folder
Archive or Zip all files in Directory The code in this page will Zip directory full of files. It will first get folder path as input. Then loop thru the directory & its sub-directories to get all the files list. Then each file in the list is added to the […]
How to run Exe from Python – 3 Easy methods?
Learn how to run exe using Python program with few of the easy methods available. One is subprocessa nd other is directly using OS Library.
How to shutdown a computer using Python?
import os os.system(‘shutdown -s’) This coding for shutdown the computer eventually. After running this code, a message saying “You are about to be signed out in less than a minute” We can avoid that message – os.system(‘shutdown -s -t 0’) instead of using os.system(‘shutdown -s’) will immediately get shut down.
How to get username in Python?
Print Current User Account Name in Python Here is the simple way to get the user name by using python code. Note: It is adviced not to use this function for any authorization purpose as this can be manipulated. Because the getpass reads the data from environment variables (LOGNAME or […]
Python – List files in a Directory – Filter by File Type
Python Code to List all Files from Desired Folder To get list of files present in a computer folder to a string variable, use the code below. Edit the folder path mentioned in the variable “folder_path”. Then execute this ready to use code. It will print the file name one […]
Rename a File in Python – or List of Files in a Folder – Free Code
Get this code to rename a file in Python or list of files in a folder with simple easy way. Also, you can copy its content to a new file.
VBA Option Explicit Not Working – Solved
Is Option Explciit not working in your code as desired. Undeclared variables are not reported. Here is the fix to make Option Explicit to work as desired.
Python – Random Number Generator Code
Python code to Generate Random number of unpredictable sequence within a set of predefined range. This simple code can generate random number within a range