Learn how to run macro using hyperlink. Tips to assign a vba macro to a hyperlink in a Excel worksheet. no command buttons are required. Just a href is enough to trigger a macro code.
How to Make Solar Eclipse Glasses?
Eclipse Viewing Glasses – How to Make At home? To experience that is going to happen once in many years is just awesome and fun. One such special and awesome feature of earth is the solar eclipse, but not all of us are capable of owning telescope. Here is the […]
Create Keyboard Shortcut – to VBA Macro code – in Excel
Assign keyboard shortcut to Vba macro code in Excel. Once it is mapped, pressing the same combination of the keys will invoke the mapped macro & execute the code in it.
Check If Outlook is Running – then Launch Outlook app – vba code
Excel vba code to check if Outlook is already running or not in your computer. Use this code to check. If the Outlook is not running already, then use the Vba.shell command as specified to ope the app.
Convert Excel to HTML Table Tags – VBA Macro Code
Excel to HTML Table Converter App download and also get VBA Macro code that loops through Excel sheet content & convert it into a HTML Table
Excel VBA – Attach Inline Image – To Outlook Email body
VBA code to insert inline images into Outlook Email from Excel. Using CID in HTMLbody to embed images, background images in emails from Outlook
Copy WhatsApp Status Photo & Video
Copy Whatsapp Friends Status Picture updates to Your phone & share with your Friends. Also, hide the existing media files from whatsapp from appearing in your smartphone gallery.
VBA Macro – Choose Outlook Email Account – To Send Mass Mail
Excel vba code to choose any Outlook Email Account to send email. Used in Mass email or bulk email services thru Outlook Email. Select from list of Email Accounts configured in your system.
Determine Operating System – Excel VBA Macro – Find OS Details
Excel Vba code to find the Os version – whether it is Windows 32 bit , Windows 64 bit or Mac IOS machine. Useful to make a code be compatible irrespective of the destination machine.
VBA Macro to – Delete Shapes in Excel – Workbook Objects Boxes
Get VBA code to delete shapes in Excel workbook dynamically. Also, you can choose to delete on the the shape object that meet the criteria