How to find the dimensions in an array using Excel vba code? Here is the code to cound the array dimensions using the ubound function – tricky one.
How to define and assign values to JavaScript arrays.
Array in JavaScript Arrays are variables that can store ordered collection of values in them which can be of different data types, with each having a numeric position known as an index. JavaScript follows a zero-based indexing scheme, meaning the index of the 1st element will start from 0, 2nd […]
Python Sort List Function – Ascending or Descending
Sort Function in Python Code In Python, You can sort a list or array of numbers & strings using the built in function. The code below creates a numeric & string array. Then sorts is ascending & descending. The default is ascending. Lets see how do this with a Python […]
Excel Vba Sort Array – Quick Trick using built in function
VBA Array Sort – Using Excel Sort In this page, we have given a Excel vba code snippet that works well for sorting array of 1 dimension. You can also customize & extend this code to work for 2 dimension array as well. We will publish the code for 2D […]
VBA – Create Array from Excel Range – 1 Dimension
Excel Macro – Create 1D Array from Vba Array This is one of the easy methods to initialize an array. If you convert data in worksheet directly to vba array, then it will create a 2d array by default. If you would like to convert Excel range to Array of […]
VBA Array Initialize Values – Split string to array
How to Initialize an Array in Vba? Different methods to assign values to array are explained here. Starting from basic to few easy methods to initialize array with multiple values are discussed in here. Here are the list of available methods. Direct or a loop method. Using VBA function Array. […]
VBA – Add Items to Array – Dynamic Resize without erasing data
How to add new item to existing array? In VBA, an array is always an fixed size of data values. If you have to add new item, then size of the field also has to be changed. Lets see an example: Consider you have an array like the below one: […]
Excel VBA Dictionary Datatype – Create & Add Keys, Items
Excel VBA Scripting.Dictionary “Dictionary” is a datatype similar to an array, but in addition it can hold a group of variable or objects. Another available data type similar to this is “Collection”. In short it can be called as an Indexed Array. You have to include a reference to “Microsoft […]
Convert 2D Arary To 1D or List – Excel VBA Macro – Quickest Method
Convert 2D array to 1D or Read Array elements in a 2D array by Row or Columns using the Excel VBA macro code in this page. Quickest way to convert 2D to 1D.