The TEXTJOIN function combines the text from multiple ranges and/or strings, and includes a delimiter you specify between each text value that will be combined. If the delimiter is an empty text string, this function will effectively concatenate the ranges. Syntax: TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, [text2], …) For example = TEXTJOIN(” […]
Intersect method (Excel)
The Intersect method is used to Returns a Range object that represents the rectangular intersection of two or more ranges. If one or more ranges from a different worksheet are specified, an error is returned. Syntax: expression.Intersect (Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9, Arg10, Arg11, Arg12, Arg13, Arg14, Arg15, Arg16, Arg17, Arg18, Arg19, Arg20, Arg21, Arg22, Arg23, Arg24, Arg25, Arg26, Arg27, Arg28, Arg29, Arg30) expression represents a variable that represents an Application object in excel. Parameters: Name Required/Optional Data […]
JavaScript Map(), Reduce() array of objects
Functional programming techniques can help in making code easier to understand at a glance and read and test, Functional programming has been making quite a splash in the development world. Functional programming has its special lists of list operations they are exactly like array of things. The list items are […]
Excel formula to generate random strings.
Random texts are a great, they can be used as the filler texts where you want to show representational text. Or we can generate random text to use as password generator that is secure and hard to crack by notorious users using formulas in excel. You can use Excel formulas […]
Smart Contracts and Etherum Blockchain
What is Ethereum? Ethereum is an open source, globally decentralized computing infrastructure that executes programs called smart contracts. Ethereum uses a blockchain to synchronize and store the system’s state changes, along with a cryptocurrency called ether to meter and constrain execution resource costs. The Ethereum platform enables developers to build powerful decentralized applications with […]
Convert Html To Text In Excel
VBA code to convert html to plain text, this helps us to make the html code readable by stripping all the html tags from the html code and printing/rendering the output of the code. When we have a an Excel sheet with cells containing html. We can batch convert them […]
Adding A ToolTip To Any Cell In Excel
When we make a form for others to fill out it is helpful to have some tips to let them know what the cell represent so that they fill out the correct details in the cells. The tooltip or infotip or a hint is a common graphical user interface element. […]
VBA Message Box Set No as Default Button
How to Set No or Cancel as default Msgbox button? In Msgbox with YesNo or OkCancel buttons, the first button will be set as default button. i.e., once the message box appears if user hit Enter button, Yes or Ok will be activated. Sometimes, this is not desired. In case […]
Hide Unhide Worksheet Tabs in Excel
How to hide/Unhide Sheet Tabs in Excel? By default Excel displays the tabs at left hand side bottom. Using this Users can navigate to any worksheet present in the workbook. Note: This article is not able hiding sheets. It is only about sheets tabs. If you chose now to display […]
How to define and assign values to JavaScript arrays.
Array in JavaScript Arrays are variables that can store ordered collection of values in them which can be of different data types, with each having a numeric position known as an index. JavaScript follows a zero-based indexing scheme, meaning the index of the 1st element will start from 0, 2nd […]