Automatically backup website data to Dropbox using PHP code. Website data should be backuped up frequently to prevent years work being lost due to hacker attacks, data corruption due to hardware issues. Use this code that explains basics about how a file can be uploaded to Dropbox using PHP.
How to Create an Email Sign up Form in HTML?
Get a fully functional Email Signup form with HTML and jQuery code. This signup form appears in the page, when the user scrolls down to the end of page. An Email Signup form with animation gets more attention rather than a static form and so the number of users register with your email list get increased.
5 Amazing Productivity Tools That Extends Your Free Time
Make Your Free Time Last Longer With These Productivity Tools Nowadays it is common that we strive to do the most work in the least amount of time. With the constant progress of information technology, we have more help with that than we ever did. But it’s not easy to […]
VBA To Copy Visible Cells Only and Paste in Excel
Copy Visible Cells only VBA from Excel sheet. Get VBA copy visible cells only code, Keyboard short to copy non-hidden rows & menu Option; then easily copy and paste them to a target worksheet.
7 Amazing Things to Say to Siri
Try these amazing things with Siri. If you are confused what to ask & start with Siri, try these funny & yet surprisingly useful queries. Siri would answer you instantly.
Auto Click FB Like Button – No Coding Knowledge Required
Get code to Auto Click Facebook Like button. No coding knowledge is required. This code can directly run from the browsers like Chrome and Firefox.
IPL Points Table 2021 – IPL Season 14 India/Dubai
IPL Points table 2021 in table format for the teams positions. Top 4 teams in Points table will be qualified for Playoff matches.
Cricket World Twenty20 Teams Match Schedule
Cricket has always been more than a game for this nation. There are innumerable instances wherein people have shown unparalleled support towards the game. Like the time when India won the first T 20 world cup against our most cherished rivals i.e. the Pakistani team. Ever since, T20 tournaments have […]
How to Secretly Monitor Android and iOS Devices with this Simple App
Spy Android & IOS Device Secretly Ok so you’re here, for whatever reason or motive that led you to search out this article, you probably want to know how it can be done. Well you could always spy physically as in check out the device when no one’s watching, but […]
Android OS On A Windows PC – Android Emulator
Do you want to test Android app in your PC. Try these Android emulator or Virtual environments that can be installed in your PC to test your apps.