Bluestacks Whatsapp Download Details
Softwares like Bluestacks Android emulator can be installed in Windows PC & helps Android developers to test their custom app. This way they will have more conrolled testing environment rather than risking a smartphone crash.
Not only Android developers, this can also be used by any Android smartphone user to install any of their favourite apps like Whatsapp, Telegram, Insatagram, Facebook, Messengers & games in a PC.
Learn how to install Bluestacks in your Windows PC.
How to install Bluestacks in PC?
In this topic, we are going to explain pros & conts of this free Android emulator.
The latest Bluestacks version available takes up large space in storage (Minimum disk space required is 6GB) and also the actual intall file is more than 300+ MB.
It would take some time to get this downloaded in a slow internet connection.
Prerequisite: When you launch install, if your PC has Virtual PC environment or Sandbox enabled, then it will not be able to used this app. You can follow the steps explained in this page & disable Vitual PC options. Click here to know about it.
- Install File Size: 300+ MB
- Storage Space required: 6GB
- Default Install: C drive or System OS Drive. This can be changed to any other drives.
- Download Link: Click here
But once you are patient enough to download and configure a best drive to install this app, it is awesome experience after that.
How to use the Bluestacks for APK?
Launch the app once installed and it will display the screen like the one below.
The highlighted section in the image has the additional or required features. You will be amazed to see that few of these options are not even available in your smartphone.

On the right hand side it has the option to install the apk.
You can download the apk for Bluestacks from its officail page for Whatsapp. For other apks, try to download them from play store.
Download Bluestacks Whatsapp APK?
Use this link to Download Whatsapp Apk for Bluestacks Android Emulator.
If you are just going to use the Bluestacks for installing App or Game from play store, then you need to login to play store first.
Then it is possible to install any app from it. The same waz, Whatsapp can also be installed and confgirued with a phone number to use it right from the PC.
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Bluestacks Whatsapp - Android Emulator - Easy Download

Get download link for Bluestacks whatsapp - a Android emulator for windows PC. Using this app, you will be able to test your APK file.
Price Currency: $
Operating System: Windows, Android
Application Category: Android Emulator