Candy Crush & Block Game Invites on Facebook

To block game requests on Facebook, follow this simple tweak inside the FB settings.

Probably some of us have never tried this game or we are bored of playing enough Candy Crush. Either ways, we turn red faced, when we eagerly open a notification, expecting it to be from any of your special friends. But, it turns out to be a  Candy Crush Saga”or Other Game request.

It is not completely your friend’s fault. It is just a traditional technique that, (developers of Candy Crush) follows to promote this Facebook Game. Try to play it once and you will also be tempted to send request to your Friend to gain ‘additional lives’.

How To Block Game Requests On Facebook?

You can follow any of the 2 methods to block all game requests on FB & also all notifications. Follow the below steps and choose the methods best fits you.

  1. Login to your Facebook account
  2. Go to Settings Page.
  3. On the Left side bar, you can see options “General”, “Security”, “Privacy” and so on.

Once you are in FB settings page, choose the options under below sections.

1. Block Apps or Games Requests using their Name:

If you have the game or app name to block its requests or notifications, follow the below steps.

  • Go to FB settings page.
  • Select option ‘Blocking‘ & click it.
  • Find ‘Block App’ field in “Manage Blocking” Page.
  • Type name of the Game.
  • Select suggested name from drop down list to block.

For Example, type “Candy Crush” or any App name that you want to block. Choose the App from suggested name list. Now, you will not get any requests or invites from this game or app. No more surprising Red Faces.

Also Read: Auto Click Like Button in Facebook – No Coding knowledge required

2. Block Game Requests From User

If you are getting a invitation more often from any of your friend or stranger, then it is possible to block all the invitation or requests from that user.

  1. Choose ‘Blocking’ from FB settings page.
  2. Find ‘Block App Invites’ in ‘Manage Blocking’ Page.
  3. Enter user name to block invites from.
  4. Choose the user from drop down suggestions.
  5. User is blocked from sending you any game or app requests.

In any of the above methods, if you have chosen a wrong game name or user name accidentally, no need to worry. FB will display ‘unblock’ just near the blocked entity. Click on it, to unblock & continue receiving game requests.

Note: This block app invites option stop only the invites from a person. If you want to block a user who annoys you by sending any messages in chat or comments, then choose option ‘Block user’ in the same page.

More Tips: Login Automatically into Facebook using Excel (Browser supported IE)

3. Block Notifications From Apps Added

Facebook provides flexibility for you to choose which kind of notifications you want to see and which to be hidden. Follow below steps to hide unwanted notifications.

  • In Settings page, find option Notifications in this side bar and click it.
  • It will display Notification Settings page.
  • Search for option “App requests and activity” at end of the page and click on “Edit”.

Once you click on Edit, it will display all the Apps that you have approved to get notifications. If you have accepted any request from Candy Crush already, It will be displayed here. Uncheck the Box near the App and click on ‘Close’ button.

Not only Candy Crush, many of us don’t want to get any game request in Facebook notification, though we love those games and mad about it. This is how we can block game requests on FB. Once you turn it off, you will not get any notification from the App that just got disabled. Choose any of the above explained methods that best suits you.

3 thoughts on “Block Game Requests On Facebook & Candy Crush Invites”

  1. These days so many virus & other threats are there & it makes sense to follow precautions.
    Unfollowing & blocking such unnecessary ones will help.

    I am not using FB 🙂

    Thanks for visiting my Blog & leaving such a nice comment. Yes, I have dreamt about Superpowers for my phone so much that I believe it’s true!!! 🙂

    1. Hi Chris, I am afraid you cannot do this from Facebook App. Facebook App has option to disallow the apps that you have already granted access to access your FB profile.
      As an alternative method to your query, from your smartphone Internet browser you can go to and follow the steps mentioned in above article.

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