What this VCF converter Can Do?
Get this VCF to Excel Universal converter, to perform the below listed operations.
- Convert any VCF file to Excel with no limitation
- Convert any contacts in Excel to vCard file format.
At Officetricks we have already posted few data conversion tools between Excel and VCF. As per comments from many users, we have developed this upgraded version, which can handle the listed options with no limitation. It is completely a Free tool.
- Alternate phone numbers can be added.
- Company name can be added.
- Code can now handle repeating VCF Tags with multiple Cell or Alternate numbers.
The tools is tested with few Android phones. We are unable to test its compatibility with all phones due to lack of testing environments. It can only be improved by all your valuable comments.
VCF to Excel & Excel to VCard Converter – Works both Ways
Yes. It is true. This latest Excel will handle both VCF to Excel and Excel to VCF conversions.
All you need is a basic knowledge on the Vcard Tags, that can be found in these link. Since we are in the process of developing this tool as a complete solution for Vcard conversion, we are not disclosing the code in this article yet.
(Update 6th May 2016: Limitation has been removed. Tool can now handle contacts upto maximum limitation of Excel)
Limitation: The limited edition tool in this page can handle upto 250 contacts per run.
Download VCF Excel Conversion Solutions Tool Downloaded 2,662 Times
Hint: To Merge multiple VCF file to one use this command in your command prompt
- Press Windows Key + R
- Type ‘cmd’ & press ‘Enter’ key
- Type ‘cd <directory path for your vcf file>’
- Type ‘ copy /a *.vcf combinedvcard.vcf’ & Enter
All the VCF file in that directory will be merged to one single file. This merged file can be used for conversion in this tool.
Based on the number of downloads and user comments, we will upgrade this VCF complete conversion tool. If you are in need of any urgent conversions, please send a mail to us mentioned in “About Us” page.
VCF to Excel Converter Mode
To use this tool, you should first have a sample VCF file saved in your computer. Open this tool and follow the steps mentioned below.
- Enter the full file path and VCF file name in the first sheet.
- Click on “Convert VCF to Excel” command button.
- Contact details will be converted to Excel and will be in tab/sheet “VCFData”.
In this sheet, you can do all the maintenance of your contact details, like adding, changing numbers, removing duplicate contacts.
Excel to vCard Converter Mode
After all maintenance activities, if you want to convert contact in Excel to VCF follow the below steps.
- In 1st row of sheet “VCFData”, mark “y” or “Y” for columns or fields that you want to be in output.
- Leave first row as blank for fields that are need to be omitted.
- Now go to “Settings” tab and click on “Convert Excel to VCF”.
Once the conversion process is completed the tool will give a message box along with the name and path of the output file. Copy this output vcf file to your smart phone to import it in to contacts or into your email client.
Summary on VCF file conversion
As such we don’t have any different mode of operation.If you want VBA code for these conversions, then follow the links mentioned above in this page or search for conversion codes. We have presented free source code that we have used in these conversion tools.
Here, we have just incorporated all possible functionalities in first page of this app itself. The same app works both ways. In simple words:
- If you have a Vcard file, then this tool acts as VCF file to Excel converter app.
- If you need a vcf file, then this tool acts as Excel to vCard converter app.
Add you comments if you have any nice to have ideas that can be added to this app. We will be happy to add it for free based on the complexity of the idea.
Very useful and handy tool for outlook users.
asking password for file and some times run time error.
yes is corrected after changing file path in settings
thanks for great work.