JavaScript to Remove Element in Array JavaScript arrays are variables that can store ordered collection of values in them which can be of different datatypes, with each having a numeric position known as indexes. We can add and remove array elements in several ways. So, how do we remove a […]
[WordPress] Display HTML Tags inside Pre
Display HTML Code in WordPress Post In WordPress posts if we write any HTML codes in Text editor, the code will not be displayed. Instead of code, WordPress, sends the HTML code as it is. The web browser compiles the code to display its output. Hence the code will not […]
[JavaScript] Code To Validate Email Address – in HTML Form
HTML Form – Email Validation with JavaScript Email validation is very important in HTML forms. Here we have discussed how to validate email addresses using JavaScript. Parts of an email address An email address is a unique identifier of an email account bound to a domain server. An email address […]
PHP Check If File Exists in a Folder path – in 2 Easy ways
Get code from PHP check if file exists in a folder. This code can be used in wordpress or any php site to find if file is present in a server folder.
Get Current Weather in Python – Free Openweathermap Api
Python – Weather Report for any City There is a similar article to this in which the weather report is obtained using Excel Vba code. To use this open weathermap Api , you have to first register with your email and get the AppId key. They provide a free limited […]
Current Local Weather Report in Excel
City Weather Report in Excel Excel Vba code in this page gets current local weather report using free api from openweathermap. To use this code, you need these things in advance: API key from openweathermap Accepted City Names Register with you email in the api provider website & they will […]
Excel to XML Converter – Vba Code – Microsoft Dom
Get VBA Code to Convert Excel to Xml Vba code in this page reads table data by each row and adds it to Xml dom element. Once all the cell values are added, it is then saved as Xml file. With this code you can also add Namespace to the […]
Convert Excel to HTML Table Tags – VBA Macro Code
Excel to HTML Table Converter App download and also get VBA Macro code that loops through Excel sheet content & convert it into a HTML Table
VBScript Extract Data – Xmlhttp Web Scrape – Parse HTML
Get code to Extract data from website using vbscript. Also the code can be used to parse the html data obtained from the website using vbs parser.
Skyrocket Website Traffic With Reddit
Tricks To Skyrocket Your Website Traffic With Reddit While you are running an online business, the most essential and stressful task you have to undertake is driving traffic to your website. It can be an extremely expensive affair at times! You have to invest not only money but time and […]